O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

20 maio 2019

Orgasmo Mental 20 Maio 2019 - Festival Impulso

Allen Halloween - Na Porta do Bar
Allen Halloween - Crescer
HHY & The Macumbas - Beheaded Totem (2018) - Wilderness Glass
João Pais Filipe - Konorak
Bruno Pernadas - Those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them (2016) - Spaceway 79
Nadia Schilling - Above the Trees (2018) - Bad as Me
Beautify Junkyards - The Invisible World of Beautify Junkyards (2018) - Aquarius
Conan Osiris - Adoro Bolos (2017) - Celulite
Conan Osiris - Telemóveis
Linda Martini - (2018) - Boca de Sal
Riding Pânico - Lady Cobra (2008) - E se a Bela For o Monstro

12 maio 2019

Orgasmo Mental 13 Maio 2019 - Regresso do Amplifest

Author & Punisher - Beastland (2018) - Nihil Strength
Daugthers - You Won't Get What You Want (2018) - Satan in the Wait
Birds in Row - We Already Lost the Word (2018) - I Don't Dance
Bliss Signal - (2018) - Surge
Ingrina - Etter Lys (2018) - Black Hole
Amenra - Mass VI (2017) - A Solitary Reign
Nadja - Corrasion (2008) - You Are As Dust
Candura - /| (2018) - I
Gaerea - Unsettling Whispers (2018) - Catharsis

06 maio 2019

Orgasmo Mental 6 Maio 2019

©André Santos

André Carvalho - The Garden of Earthly Delights (2019) - The Fools of Venus
Loosense - Salon (2019) - Taifa
Galo Cant'às Duas - Cabo da Boa Esperança (2019) - Foto Grama
Homem Delirio - Corpo Estranho (2019) - Sangue Irmão
Alen Targus - Paris, Sines (EP 2019) - Holiday
Tellavision - Add Land (2019) - Talking to Myself
Caio - Retratos (EP 2019) - Conto Criminoso
Bed Legs - (2018) - Keep On
47 Fevereiro - Luta Pela Manutenção (2018) - A Margem da Le
Cosmic Mass - (2019) - Early a Saint
Dirty Coal Train - Primitive (2019) - Weird Shit