O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

02 maio 2011

Om 2 Maio 2011

Neurosis & Jarboe - (2003)
Mr. Bungle - California (1999) - None of Them Knew They Were Robots
Wraygunn - Ecliseastes 1:11 (2004) - Juice
Murdering Tripping Blues - Knocking At the Backdoor Music (2008) - Extramentalisticnoisyfucksticating
Dapunksportif - Ready! Set! Go! (2006) - I Can't Move
QOTSA - Songs For the Deaf (2002) - A Song for the
Goatsnake - I (1999) - What Love Remains
Kyuss - Un Sanpiper
Wooden Shjips - Dos (2009) - For so Long
Grinderman - 2 (2010) - Mickey Mouse and the Goodbye Man
Fjord Rowboat - Paragon
Linda Martini - Casa Ocupada (2011) - Junventude Sónica

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