O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

23 janeiro 2012

OM 23 Janeiro 2012

Mastodon - Crack The Sky (2009) - Oblivion
Mastodon - Blood Mountain (2006) - Sleeping Giant
Mastodon - The Hunter (2011) - The Hunter
Mastodon - The Hunter (2011) - Creature Lives
Red Fang - (2009) - Prehistoric Dog
Red Fang - Murder The Mountains (2011) - Wires
Riding Pânico - Lady Cobra (2008) - E Se A Bela For O Monstro

Permuta quinzenal do É 5ª Feira Foge Comigo de Pedro Miguel:
  • Lulu Blind - Atira-te Ao Ar

Mastodon - Blood Mountain (2006) - Capillarian Crest
Mastodon - Remission (2002) - March Of The Fire Ants
Mastodon - The Hunter (2011) - Curl Of The Burl
Clutch - Robot Hive/Hexodus (2005) - Burning Beard
Fântomas - The Director's Cut (2001) - Der Golum
Goatsnake - I (1999) - What Love Remains
Kyuss - Shine
Unida - Coping With Urban Coyote (1999) - Nervous
Nebula - (1999) - Anything from You
Fu Manchu - Eatin' Dust (1999) - Godzilla
The Icarus Line - Mono (2001) - Enemies In High Places
At The Drive In - Relationship Of Command (2000) - One Armed Scissor
Black Math Horseman - Willt (2009) - Tyrant
Men Eater - Gold (2011) - The Golden
Black Bombaim - Long Beach Palm Trees Of Doom

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