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18 novembro 2013

Orgasmo Mental 18 Novembro 2013

Snuffed by the Yakuza - It's Dirty Chords, But Someone's Gotta Play Them (2004) - It Cant be Done 
Snuffed by the Yakuza - It's Dirty Chords, But Someone's Gotta Play Them (2004) - It the Dirt
Duchess Says - Anthologie Des 3 Perchoirs (2008) - CH.O.B.
Duchess Says - Anthologie Des 3 Perchoirs (2008) - Tenen Non Neu
Brutal Knights - Feast of Shame (2007) - Information Overload
Brutal Knights - Feast of Shame (2007) - Grow Up Throw Up
Adolescents - (1990) - I Hate Children
Adolescents - (1990) - Self Destruct
The Buzzcocks - Time's Up (2000) - You Tear Me Apart
The Buzzcocks - Time's Up (2000) - Times Up
Boss Hog - (1995) - Ski Bunny
Boss Hog - (1995) - Texas
The Birthday Party - Prayers on Fire (1981) - Nick the Stripper
The Cramps - ...Off the Bone (1983) - The Way I Walk
The Cramps - ...Off the Bone (1983) - Love Me
The Mummies - Death by Unga Bunga!! (2003) - A Girl Like You
The Mummies - Death by Unga Bunga!! (2003) - I'm Gonna Kill My baby Tonight
The Deadly Snakes - Ode to Joy (2003) - Closed Casket
The Deadly Snakes - Ode to Joy (2003) - I Want to Die
Bob Log III - Trike (1999) - Showtime
Bob Log III - Trike (1999) - Six Stringer Kicker
The Soft Pack - (2010) - Down on Living
The Soft Pack - (2010) - Answer to Yourself 
Slater Kinney - One Beat (Kill Rock Stars) (2002) - Far Away

Orgasmo Mental 18 Novembro 2013 by Orgasmo Mental on Mixcloud

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