O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

07 março 2016

Orgasmo Mental 7 Março 2016

The Soft Moon - Deeper (2015) - Deeper
The Soft Moon - (2010) - When It's Over
A Place To Burry Strangers - Transfixiation (2105) - Straight
A Place To Bury Strangers - Exploding Head (2009) - I Lived My Life to Stand in the Shadow of Your Heart
The KVB - Out of Body (EP 2014) - Between Suns
The KVB - Immaterial Visions (2013) - Dayzed
Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart (2010) - Rollercoaster
Black Mountain - (2005) - Don't Run Our Harts Around
Process of Guilt - Fæmin (2012) - Fæmin
Riding Pânico - Lady Cobra (2008) - E Se a Bela For O Monstro

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