O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

26 novembro 2017

Orgasmo Mental 27 Novembro 2017

Godflesh - Post Self (2017) - Be God
Godflesh - Post Self (2017) - The Infinite End
Necro Deathmort - Overland (2017) - Obey
Necro Deathmort - Overland (2017) - Meddle
Crosta - (2016) - Minotaur Awaken
Dodecahedron - Kwinteness (2017) - An Ill-defined Ain of Otherness
Névoa - The Absence of Void  (2015) - A Thousand Circles
Process of Guilt - Black Earth (2017) - Black Earth

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