O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

01 janeiro 2018

Orgasmo Mental 1 Janeiro 2017 - Melhores 2017 #2

Sleaford Mods - English Tapas (2017) - B.H.S.
Ho99o9 - United States of Horror (2017) - Knuckle Up
Pissed Jeans - Why Love Now (2017) - It's Your Knees
Idles - Brutalism (2017) - 1049 Gotho
Protomartyr - Relatives In Descent (2017) - A Private Understanding
Converge - The Dust In Us (2017) - A Single Tear
Godflesh - Post Self (2017) - Parasite
Amenra - VI (2017) - Daiken
Process of Guilt - Black Hearth (2017) - Feral Ground
Redemptus - Every Red Herat Fades To Black (2017) - Unraveling the Garden of All Forking Paths
Dodecahedron - Kwinteness (2017) - Dodecahedron

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