O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

11 novembro 2018

Orgasmo Mental 12 Novembro 2018

The Limiñanas - Shadow People (2018) - Trois Bancs
Tne Coathangers - Nosebleed Weekend (2016) - Perfume
The Black Delta Movement - Preservation (2018) - Rome
Deaf Wish - Lithium Zion (2018) - FFS
Sauna Youth - Death (2018) - No Personal Space
Girls Names - The New Life (2012) - Hypnotic Regression
Moaning - (2018) - Misheard
New War - Coin (2018) - Get In the Boot
Interpol - Marauder (2018) - The Rover
Mere Women - Skin (2018) - Big Skies
Sleep Party People - (2010) - I'm Not Human At All
Preoccupations - New Material (2018) - Espionage
Protomartyr - Telemetry at Howe Bridge (2018 - Protomartyr / Preoccupations split 7”) - Forbidden
IDLES - Joy As An Act Of Resistance (2018) - Colossus

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