O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

18 fevereiro 2019

Orgasmo Mental 18 Fevereiro 2019

FIDLAR - Almost Free (2019) - By Myself/Can't You See
SWMRS - Berkeley's On Fire (2019) - Trashbag Baby
The Hives - Veni Vidi Vicious (2000) - Die, All Right!/Hate To Say I Told You So
QOTSA - Song For The deaf (2002) - A Song For The Deaf
BRMC - (2001) - Spread Your Love
Girl Band - Holding Hands With Jamie (2015) - Paul
Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want (2018) - Satan in the Wait
Deaf Wish - Lithium Zion (2018) - Smoke
Massive Attack - Mezzanine (1998) - Inertia Creeps/Group Four

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