O prazer de ouvir música

Segundas 21h e Domingos 3h na RUA FM

24 novembro 2019

Orgasmo Mental 24 Novembro 2019

Samuel Martins Coelho - (2019) - Pensamento
Ricardo Dias Gomes - (2019) - Precipício
Comet Gain - Fireraiser Forever! (2019) - We're All Fucking Morons
Born Folk - (2019) - (o) | (a)
Linda Martini - (2018) - Europeu Comum
Time for T - Galavanting (2019) - Screenshot
Lola Lola - (2019) - Killed a Man In a Field
Foreign Poetry - Grace and Error on the Edge of Now (2019) - Kullu
Tape Junk - Couch Pop (2019) - Cranberry and Thyme
The Catenary Wires - Til the Morning (2019) - Half-Written
Jonathan Bree - You're So Cool
The Monochrome Set - Fabula Mendax (2019) - Summer of the Demon
First Breath after Coma - Change
Arena - Contagion (2019) - Skin Game

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